Assalaamualaikum Wr. Wb
In order to celebrate date of birth our beloved mother's Kartini the Organitation of Student Intra School ( OSIS ) of SMPN 1 Sidayu will be hold competition.
Among of the kind competition is :
1. Cooking fried rice
2.Writing articel about the battle of our beloved mother's Kartini.
That will be held on tuesday, April 21 2009.
And quoad the present of the first winner , second winner, and the third winner :
- The first winner will get trhopi, certificate, and money of fifty thousand rupiahs.
- The second winner will get trhopi, certificate, and money of thirthy five thousand rupiahs
- The third winner will get trhopi, certificate, and money of twenty five thousand rupiahs.
So, this announcement from us, and thanks a lot for your attention.
Finally we say
Wassalaamualaikum Wr. Wb
April, 15 2009
Chief of OSIS
M. Iqbalul Faiq Hatta
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